Midday Cannabis Coffee. An Easy Way to Enjoy CBD and THC

I’ve tried to quit coffee, more than once. I even went with a half-calf in the morning just to limit my intake. I failed at that too. I’m cool with it now. And I know I’m not the only one.

In a fact, a survey found that 52% of people would give up their morning shower before their morning coffee. I’m not sure I’d go that far but I do have a morning ritual of chemex coffee and then reading.

I even went so far as to figure out exactly when I should have my first cup through a chonotype test. I actually think it was pretty effective, but that didn’t last either. Something about morning reading and coffee. Some call it an addiction, I call it a habit turned ritual.

Now adays, limiting coffee is the goal. Sometimes, I find if I mix in some CBD into the game, I end up limiting my overall coffee intake. Placebo effect? Maybe, but I’m sticking too it. It’s become a staple in my afternoon ritual.

So we whipped up a simple midday cannabis coffee, cream and honey infused cannabis recipe to make help mellow out that busy work day.

How to Foam the Latte

We prefer to use a frother to get the cream hot and frothed for our drinks, but there are other simple methods too.

Frothing Pot

Cream steamer, frother and heater in one.

The flexibility of options for your preferred amount of aerated foam is our favorite method of whipping up this pseudo latte.

The only con is the extra amount of clean up. It’s worth it since we work from home most of the time, we have a little extra time.

Handheld Frother

Simple handheld frother with stand.

A faster clean up and more cost effective method to whipping up some latte’s. We use this when we are in a rush or lazy. To clean up, you really just have to run it under hot water – this is not FDA approved advice 😉

A Blender

Ninja blender

Everyone has a blender. When you are in a pinch, this works just fine. Clean up is a mess, but nothing to write home to mom about.

We do suggest adding a little coffee in with the cream to help have enough liquid to mix. Your choice.

Midday Cannabis Coffee

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A lovely cup of Joe with the mellow effect of your favorite cannabis CBD strand. Perfect for a quarantine day on your back porch to forget about the worlds worries.
Prep Time5 minutes
Active Time10 minutes
Course: Drinks
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Coffee, Coffee Canabis, Coffee Weed, Warm Drink
Yield: 2
Cost: 5


  • 2 cups – Your favorite home brewed coffee
  • 1 cup – Creamer. Dairy or dairy free. We prefer almond milk
  • 2 tsps – Infused Cannabis Honey Dose to your preferred amount
  • 1/8 tsp – Vanilla extract (optional)
  • 1 dash – Ground cinnamon (optional) Throw it on top of the foam for taste and decoration


  • In your frother, mix cream, vanilla and honey until desired froth.
  • Poor each mug half or three quarters full with coffee.
  • With spoon holding back foam, pour in desired amount of cream.
  • Scoop foam to the top.
  • Sprinkle with cinnamon and enjoy!.

Disclaimer: this information is not medical advice and is purely for entertainment and education purposes. In no way do we condone the use of cannabis or it’s bi-products without the consent of your medical professional as well as abiding by your state and country laws.


Your no-nonsense, sometimes witty, cannabis knowledgeable hippy from the Midwest, hanging around Chicago these days. Learning the ins and outs of the cannabis world while learning to blog. In hopes that our lives become a little more… relaxed.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. zortilo nrel

    This really answered my coffee problem, thank you!

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