Your no-nonsense, sometimes witty, cannabis knowledgeable hippy from the Midwest, hanging around Chicago these days. Learning the ins and outs of the cannabis world while learning to blog. In hopes that our lives become a little more… relaxed.

We struggled to find quality information dedicated to the end-to-end journey of cannabis. From growing all the way to cooking with cannabis.

Sure, there’s a ton of information about cannabis, marijuana, and even more about CBD, with hundreds of companies selling it. We just weren’t satisfied with finding a one-stop shop to learn all the steps to cultivating a relationship with our friend, cannabis.

Our goal is to present information based on our experiences. Nothing copy-pasted from other sources. No doubt, we read scientific research online and have gathered quite a library on the subject. But that’s just the foundation.

We’re not claiming to be experts in the field. Instead, we gather the data, experiment ourselves, and document the journey along the way, offering honest, firsthand insights.

Cannabis Focus Areas of BeTheHippy

We plan to experiment at each stage of the cannabis plants full journey.

  • Growing: Finding all the ways to grow cannabis, from hydroponics to your backyard. Testing different tools and processes to educate others.
  • Cultivating: Learning to dry marijuana flowers and stalks, and harvesting for different uses, from hemp clothing to baked goods.
  • Extracting: Testing hundreds of recipes, tools, and gadgets to see what works and what doesn’t.
  • Cooking: Our bread and weed butter, and the original reason we started the site.
  • Learning: Offering engaging content to educate and share our evolving knowledge with our community.

So come join our family for the journey. It’s only just begun.

Stay Connected!

Want to connect? We’re always up for a chat:

Stay groovy, and keep in touch!

Why Hippy and Cannabis?

Hippy: A person who has long hair, is peace loving and wants to make friends with everybody. A hippy makes for the best of neighbors; they are naturists (aka nudists); most of them are into free sex and love; they don’t worry about the race of other people; hippys smoke a lot of weed (and like all heads, they do not have to have it pointed out to them to be able to see where, in this site’s pages’ background, a dude is smoking a roach  – Hint for non hippys and non-heads: – he’s inside the spiral)they eat healthy foods (and many are vegetarians); raise their children in liberal but very loving ways. Hippys are groovy and very cool. They are anti-establishment. They are amongst the most discriminated people on the planet. Hippys love all animals. They can be very much like Buddhists and into Zen. They also love to listen to rock and or country music (especially late ’60s psychedelic rock music); and totally believe in the saying “don’t worry, be happy”.


Healthy minds, healthy lives and a healthy humanity.


To bring clarity & no-nonsense learning’s to the world of Cannabis.


Because Cannabis is a bit of the wild wild west, we plan to clean it up.