CBD Terms and Vocabulary

CBD – stands for cannabidioland is one of over 85 known phytocannabinoids that naturally occur in cannabis plants. It’s also the most prolific cannabinoid found in hemp plants. CBD has very low THC –less than 0.3%–which is why CBD doesn’t make people feel high.In fact, CBD can actually counteract the euphoric/high feeling caused byTHC. CBD continues to gain popularity as studies reveal its potential benefits for human health.

ECS – endocannabinoid system-the human body is self-regulating, so like a tightrope walker, it’s constantly shifting to stay balanced and healthy,a process called homeostasis. One way our bodies maintain homeostasis is via the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). It keeps our bodies functioning optimally by adapting to change.The ECS, sometimes referred to as the “Master Control System,” is made up of receptors on cell membranes that regulate a variety of processes including eating, sleeping, relaxation and cognition.

The ECS also assists in the body’s overall recovery and repair. Our bodies naturally produce compounds called “endocannabinoids” (endo=inside) that bind to those receptors, like a key fitting into a lock. CBD hemp oil is a plant-based cannabinoid –or phytocannabinoid (phyto=plant) –that acts upon cell receptors in a similar way. Once the key (cannabinoid) is inside the lock (cell receptor), our body’s ability to maintain ideal health is “unlocked.”

ECS TONE – the harmonyor balance between CB1 & CB2 receptors and endocannabinoids

  • CB1 (cannabinoid-1) receptor – a receptor type in the ECS believed to be located primarily in the central and peripheral nervous system, activated by all types of cannabinoids. CBD signals the body’s natural mechanisms to activate those receptors to do more of what they do naturally.
  • CB2 (cannabinoid-2) receptor –a receptor type in the ECS believed to be located primarily in the peripheral tissues of the immune system, the gastrointestinal system, the peripheral nervous system and to a lesser degree in the central nervous system. CBD signals the body’s natural mechanisms to activate those receptors to do more of what they do naturally.

THC – tetrahydrocannabinol–is a psychoactive or what makes you feel “high.”

Endogenous–naturally occurring in the body.

Cannabinoids – compounds that activate cannabinoid receptors, including endocannabinoids, phytocannabinoids, and synthetic cannabinoids.

Phtyocannabinoid – “phyto” means plant –phytocannabinoids are the cannabinoids naturally occurring in plants like hemp. Many plants make cannabinoids, but hemp plants contain particularly large amounts of many cannabinoids, with CBD (cannabidiol) being the most prolific.

Phytoremediation – The term “phytoremediation,” was coined by the scientist Ilya Raskin, a member of a team that tested hemp’s ability to accumulate heavy metals from soil in contaminated fields near Chernobyl in the 1990s. According to another team member, Vyacheslav Dushenkov, the experiment was a success. “For the specific contaminants that we tested, hemp demonstrated very good phytoremediation properties,” says Dushenkov. This makes hemp a great plant, and one day could help clean up the soil across the planet. For now, we want it grown safely.

Endocannabinoid – “endo” means within–endocannabinoids are cannabinoids produced naturally by cells in the human body.

Terpenes – compounds found in the essential oils produced by many plants(what makes a lemon smell like a lemon), including cannabis. Terpenes bond with cannabinoids to turbo charge them creating synergistic effects, otherwise known as the Entourage Effect. Different combinations of terpenes and cannabinoids have different effects.

Full Spectrum CBD – all the good things you get from a plant which come from a wide range of cannabinoids, terpenes, antioxidants, nutrients and other plant compounds present in the hemp plant. It can provide a greater effect than CBD alone as all the cannabinoids work together, as nature intended, in what is known as the Entourage Effect. A recent study from Israel has documented the superior therapeutic properties of whole-plant (full spectrum) cannabis extract over single-molecule (isolated) cannabidiol (CBD)*.

CBD Isolate – A CBD isolate is pure isolated CBD compound, with the rest of the plant compounds removed. This does not include things like CBD as well as CBG, CBC and more – sometimes THC.

Entourage Effect – when the various compounds of a full spectrum CBD hemp oil are combined, their benefit is greater than what you’d receive from each individual component. This is also what we call synergy: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.There are over 85 ‘identified’ compounds in the cannabis plant. While most of these compounds have their own therapeutic benefits, they combine synergistically** to provide far better results.

Cannabis – while many people consider cannabis and marijuana to be interchangeable terms, Cannabis is actually a plant family with three different sub-specials, of which marijuana is one: Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica and Cannabis ruderalis.

  • *Br J Parmacol. 2011 Aug; 163(7): 1344-1364. Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects.E B Russo
  • *Gallily,R., Yekhtin, Z. and Hanus, L.O. (2015) Overcoming the Bell-Shaped Dose –Response of Cannabidiol by Using Cannabis Extract Enriched in Cannabidiol.Pharmacology & Pharmacy, 6, 75-85. http:dx.doi.org/10.4236/pp.2015.62010
  • **Br J Parmacol. 2011 Aug; 163(7): 1344-1364. Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects.E B Russo


Your no-nonsense, sometimes witty, cannabis knowledgeable hippy from the Midwest, hanging around Chicago these days. Learning the ins and outs of the cannabis world while learning to blog. In hopes that our lives become a little more… relaxed.