Suver Haze CBD Flower

The Suver Haze hemp flower strain was bred for high levels of CBD. So, no surprise to learn that Suver Haze boasts an average CBD percentage of 17.59%. On the high-end, we've seen around 24% CBD!

Where to Buy Suver Haze CBD Cannabis

  • Sacred Smoke Herbals has a great line of hemp flower including CBGa. Great quality, quick shipping and awesome customer service. Enter BeTheHippy for 15% off.
  • Dr. Ganja has been around for a while and care about the quality of their products. Take a look at their history and also the amount of tests they put their flower through. Enter BeTheHippy for 7% off.


Suver Haze is a Sativa dominant hybrid and descends from a strain called Neville’s Haze. Same name of a college friend of mine (unimportant fun fact).

The Suver Haze hemp flower strain was bred for high levels of CBD. So, no surprise to learn that Suver Haze boasts an average CBD percentage of 17.59%. On the high-end, we’ve seen around 24% CBD!

Pretty awesome!

Fun Fact: a desired characteristic of the Suver Haze hemp plant is its mold-resistant properties which helps produce high yields. A favorite for growers.


Being a sativa strain, Suver Haze is one of the few CBD flowers not recommended for night time use (but yeah, it’s still good at night). It’s an uplifting strain of smoke followed by a soothing balm to the nervous system.

Great for a relaxing and long lasting night. We promise!

Flavor and Characteristics

This Suver Haze CBD flower exhibits a lot of the tropical fruit flavor. Followed up with a sharp citrus, woody pine and a hint of aged cheese. The overall bouquet of this Suver Haze CBD leaves you with a wonderful floral scent.

Made from a phenotype with only the most exceptional of characteristics (mold resistance, high yield capacity), Suver Haze possesses large concentrations of beta-Myrcene, beta-Caryophyllene and farnesene. Suver Haze’s Myrcene content ensures a laid back time while beta-Caryophyllene delivers a delicious treat.

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