The Only Cannabis Tincture Recipe You Need to Learn: No Heat and High Potency!

Stop using heat when you are making cannabis tinctures!

Thanks to Ardent Cannabis, we now have scientific testing showing how unnecessary the outdated practice of heating your tinctures during extraction is.

Not to mention dangerous! Seriously, alcohol – especially grain high proof alcohol – vapors are easy to ignite.

So, join us and start learning how to make no-heat cannabis tinctures.

How Long to Make a Weed Tincture

So, what do we know about no-heat cannabis tincture time and potency?


After 1 hour at room-temp, over 62% cannabis extraction rate of the flower was pulled into the Everclear tincture.


After 3 hours at room-temp, over 80% cannabis extraction rate of the flower was pulled into the Everclear tincture.

In both scenarios, the testers left the tincture mix undisturbed for the entire duration. After the timer went off, they shook the mixture for 20 seconds and then directly filtered it into a container.

How awesome! 80% potency with no risk of setting the building on fire.

Win, win.

Lastly, there is research coming out that seems to point to even more potency extraction utilizing cold tincture techniques. This is our preferred way to do it. For some reason, it just always seems like it renders a better tasting and potent cannabis tincture.

Where to get CBD, CBG Cannabis Flower for Extracting?

Ever since the farm bill of 2014 – and more importantly 2018 – hemp became a much easier cannabinoid to purchase for home use.

With that, came safer online places to find well grown and certified cannabis flower.

One of our recent discoveries is a place called Diamond CBD.

Learn more at our CBD flower and CBG flower articles.

They have a huge selection – from flower to infused honey. They are quick to answer questions and happy to help. Everything is tested in batches so you know you are getting safe and quality products. We love it.

Be Sure to Decarb You Flower!

Before you get started it’s imperative you decarboxylate your flower.

Here are our favorite odorless ways to decarboxylate your weed if you haven’t before.

Activating your cannabinoid converts it from is acid form (i.e. CBDa) into a state your cannabinoid receptors will process (CBD).

The acid state is not bad for you (and no, it’s not a hallucinogenic). In fact it has benefits within itself. Most research points to the activated state for it’s therapeutic research but we like both.

Remember, not all of the acid state will be converted to the activated state. This is a great thing, it is what helps us create a full-spectrum cannabis tincture. Some call it the entourage effect! It’s the primary way to reap all the therapeutic effects of all the cannabinoids.

Tincture Weed Kool Aid

Check out our recipe on how to make a weed Kool Aid with a tincture.

Tools we Use and Where to Get Them

Cannabis Tincture
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4.45 from 20 votes

How to Make Weed Tincture Recipe

The safe, effective and fastest way to extract and create infused cannabis tinctures. No heat and a very safe process you gotta try.
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time3 hours
Keyword: Cannabis Drink, Cannabis Tincture, Infused Cannabis, Infused Drink


  • 1/2 pt or 240 ml glass Mason jar with tight-fighting lid
  • 1/2 pt or 240 ml dark glass jar and lid for storage
  • Fine strainer or mesh cloth


  • 7 grams Decarboxylated cannabis or 1/4 oz
  • 158 grams 151-proof (or any) alcohol or 3/4 cup


  • The first step for this tincture, is to turn your heat off. We will show you how to make high potency cannabis tincture without heat. Just a few simple steps.
  • Add the cannabis and alcohol together in a mason jar. Secure the lid and lightly swirl for a good stir. Place in freezer (see note below).
    7 grams Decarboxylated cannabis, 158 grams 151-proof (or any) alcohol or
  • Freeze the jar for 1hr minimum (we prefer 3hrs), removing once or twice to lightly shake and mix the contents.
  • Place the strainer and cheese tightly cloth over bowl or jar. Pour the tincture mixture over the strainer, using rubber spatula to get all the particles out of the jar.
  • Press the spatula or spoon against the mixture to push out all the alcohol. Give the cheesecloth a good squeeze into the jar.
  • Transfer to dark jar (if you haven’t already), date and store in cool place. See below note.


Step 1. Freezing the mixture helps limit the chance that chlorophyll will leach into your tincture creating a purer and cleaner taste
Step 5. Dark jar helps to preserve the mixture. Keeps the light from aging and degrading the herbal contents.

Disclaimer: this information is not medical advice and is purely for entertainment and education purposes. In no way do we condone the use of cannabis or it’s bi-products without the consent of your medical professional as well as abiding by your state and country laws.


Your no-nonsense, sometimes witty, cannabis knowledgeable hippy from the Midwest, hanging around Chicago these days. Learning the ins and outs of the cannabis world while learning to blog. In hopes that our lives become a little more… relaxed.

This Post Has 107 Comments

  1. Anthony

    Bought an ounce (28g) really good shake. Decarbed it at 230f for 30 minutes. Split a “fifth” (25.8 oz) of Everclear between two bottles and halfed in the weed. Froze both for a week. Strained the mixture. Put the bottles in a kitchen closet after filling each bottle to the neck with distilled water. A day or two later I did a double shot from one of the bottles. This mixture at that “dosage” literally knocked my dick in the dirt. Backed it off to one shot next time around. Stayed baked at an enjoyable level for over a month of evenings.

  2. Valarie Coalter

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  3. Tomo

    5 stars
    I’ve been an avid smoker of fine flower for 20+ years. With that in consideration I doubled half the recipe using 14g of sugary sweet decarbed flower and 1/4c of everclear. I kept it in the freezer for 1 week (I was going for ultimate strength). In the end, the tincture looked amazing, and averaged out to about 230mg of goodness per teaspoon. We then mixed 2tsp of tincture with 50 melted gummie bears (haribo) and spread on a sheet of wax paper, let cool for 1 hr then cut into 50 pcs. Each gummie piece averaged roughly 140mg. I never chilled and then slept so hard in my life. After a day or so I ate half a gummie piece and discovered that was my sweet spot.

    Awesome recipe!!!! I share it with all my friends! 👍👍👍

    1. Tim

      IF each tsp averaged out to 230mg and you added 2 tsp’s and got 50 pieces that would be 9.2 mg per piece not 140.

  4. Patrick

    5 stars
    A litte confused. Will the tincture be stronger (more the) if frozen for more than 3 hours?
    Also and/or if you use more product and less alcohol?

  5. Terrek

    Hi, looked for and couldn’t find an answer to Amy B from April 1, 2021. I have the same concern. I made the freezer tincture, following word-for-word. Yes, strong effects on 5 drops! But the stinging is horrible. I did evaporate in a bowl under a fan for a while. Sad part is I lost about 3/4 inch of liquid and left goop on the bowl. Can I rescue the goop? Will the stinging subside as I use it? Am I damaging my tongue flesh by using? What is the best, safest way to reduce stinging?

    1. Max

      Hey man, don’t worry about losing the liquid. It’s just the alcohol. The goop you are left with is super potent! Less alcohol means less sting. You can also put it in a drink and drink it. I use a yogurt drink.

  6. cindy

    4 stars
    your 1 cup ever clear will never cover that much weed

  7. Colton W.

    5 stars
    Can you not just use way more cannabis then the recipe stated above to make a stronger tincture? Instead of trying to evaporate the alcohol later? For example using like 1 oz of cannabis to 1 cup of grain alcohol?

    1. Max

      Yes, you can. I make ABV tinctures using 16gm of AVB and 80ml of Spirtus Vodka (96%), and then reduce by half. Three droppers’ full (not drops) gives a great high (ingested). One dropper sublingually gives a nice buzz. You just have to make sure that the vodka covers the herb completely with a little extra so that you can swirl it around in the jar.

  8. JEllis

    Is there a way to make the tincture more potent?
    I’ve tried it on a few different occasions, taking 5-10 drops under the tongue with no effects.

  9. Hugh Jomo

    1 star
    Followed recipe to a T doesn’t have any affect

    1. Eileen Hughes

      Hey Jomo, hope you’re enjoying your Sunday. Okay, I feel you … I have tried edibles & other tinctures where I have had NO effect whatsoever. Some of the tinctures were a Delta8 source, some were medicinally prescribed (for a friend 🙂 ) i have no issues at all when it comes to your standard method of getting high.

      With that said, I have a B12 issue where I do not absorb food or supplements the normal way, through the Stomach/intestinal tract – I have to take my B12 sublingually (Under the tongue). The medical term is pernicious anemia. I thought ‘hmph, maybe that’s why edibles, etc do not work’. So then I thought tinctures I can make with real flower.

      Now for tinctures – I have created tinctures 3 ways, all using Macadamia Nut Oil. I’ve always decarbed my buds using the 230 degrees, 30 minutes method. I use 1/8 flower to 3oz oil as measurements.

      Now, for my first attempt I have ‘cooked’ the mixture at a low simmer in a double boiler for 5 hours, bottled, and on a 1-10 scale, I’d give it a 4. Second attempt I repeated with the initial cook, took that mixture that had been ‘cooking’, filled a container with the herb and oil and let it set for 7 days, then strained, and I can get my finished product up to a 6-7rating. Third attempt and following the initial cook method, that mixture then sat for 3 days. After 3 days, I then put the mixture in a jar, set it inside a pot with water halfway up, kept water temp @170. It cooks for 20 minutes, I then let cool completely, strained, and bottled. This final product I will give a 9, and I’m very, very happy.

      This is actually an infusion method (that works great) as I have a high toxicity rate to alcohol based products (translation: I haven’t had alcohol in almost 7 years and want nothing to do with it, even though I know for the most part it cooks off). I like my natural high! Take care

  10. Jay

    Followed your instructions step by step and I’ll get drunk from the everclear before feeling a thx buzz. That was a waste of really good weed.

    1. bethehippy

      Sorry to hear that, Jay. Hopefully you enjoy an everclear buzz as much as we do :). head over to our contact form and shoot us a note, the team will be happy to help out some more and even send over a reimbursement if we can’t make it work.

      Stay groovy!

  11. Al

    Hi, your one recipe for the cold tincture say 3 hors in the freezer and your other one says 7 days, I’m a bit confused to which one is correct. Please can you let me know which one works the best?

    1. Normal guy

      5 stars
      jews did 9/11. I’m not joking. jews also did JFK because of him putting pressure on their nuclear weapons program. jews faked the covid ‘pandemic’ in order to inject you all with their anti-‘goyim’ shots. jews are murdering Palestinian children as we speak. How would you feel if jews were murdering your children. The ‘holocaust’ is a filthy jew lie.

      jews are all filthy sewer rats

      1. Anthony

        1 star
        Leave it to some delusional nitwit to rant about “Dem evel joos” on a weed site. I suggest you purchase some weed, a glass one hitter that looks like a straight line crack pipe, and chill out.

  12. Evil-C

    Just had a thought – wonder what anyone thinks.
    Could you use a coffee aeropress to filter the weed/alcohol mixture?

  13. Patrick

    5 stars
    A little confused. I see where you say “Stop using heat when you are making cannabis tinctures!” , then also “Before you get started it’s imperative you decarboxylate your flower.” Is the no heat applying only people like me but then thy are heating the non decarb’d mixture (which I an not going to do)?

    I forgot to Decarb my flower and added it to my Everclear (I know, duh!). Having it sit for 4 months at room temperature. Will it never decarb naturally?

    1. bethehippy

      Patrick — lol, that is a great point and didn’t even think of it when we wrote it. Yes, its no heat with the liquor (which can be dangerous to heat) to make the tincture, but I guess we assume that decarb is a different piece of the puzzle. You need to decarb to active your cannabinoid’s from their “acid” state. I have never tried to make a cold tincture with non-decarbed cannabis. My guess is, you’ll extract CBD-A and not CBD (or… THC-A vs THC) as these are the natural states before heating and activating. You do still get benefits from the inactive state, but if you are looking for a high, you might be out of luck.

  14. Mandy

    5 stars
    Recipes to use the tincture in?

  15. Syl

    We cannot get any alcohol here in Ontario Canada that is 90. %.. only vodka at 40%. Pretty bummed. Any ideas other than making my own alcohol?

    1. bethehippy

      Bummer Syl!
      Best bet would be to use an MCT oil, but you won’t be able to do it cold like this tincture recipe since MCT is a fatty oil. You could potentially do it similar to our coconut oil recipe — which is here. Cool thing about MCT is it pretty much flavorless.

      Go ahead and google ‘MCT Cannabis Tincture‘ and you’re sure to find something that works. We’ll experiment with a bunch of MCT tincture methods and then share in the future.

      Stay groovy out there!

      1. mike

        Hi Syl, This isn’t true! It used to be prescription only, but you can buy Global Alcool 94% without it from some of the LCBOs…they keep it locked up and behind a counter. They don’t have it on display, or advertised on their site.

        Email LCBO Customer Care about availability near you, and they usually give a few places with stock within 24hrs. Not many places carry it, but if you’re near/in a larger city it is likely you can find a bottle. Call the store ahead to make sure it really is in stock. Just a heads up: it’s currently over $100 for 1.14 litres.

    2. Katie Kokoni

      I live in the UK and got everclear online but big price for small bottle so want to be sure this recipe works! You can buy it online in Canada.

      1. bethehippy

        Yup, take a look at ardent cannabis website (link here) to see a detailed breakdown of how it works! Let us know.

  16. Keith

    4 stars

  17. Joe S.

    5 stars
    I just wrap tin foil around my storage jars instead of using dark glass. Might even work better and save you a trip to the store.

  18. Brian

    5 stars
    Wondering how many drops people tend to take of this mixture? I know it will vary based on tolerance and preference but curious to hear from others. Thanks!

    1. MEgrow

      It really depends on how strong you make it, how much it’s reduced, and personal preference. That’s the beautiful thing with tincture is you can find the exact dosage that suits you for any given occasion! You can micro dose a few drops and get enough just to feel it so you aren’t impaired, or you can knock yourself out, or anywhere in between. I take a few drops in the morning on a cracker, if I have to run out quick I can drop a couple on my tongue and get it in me right away, before bed I take a bigger dose to help sleep, if I’m in more pain I add a few drops. So versatile! Start with testing a few drops at a time to gauge the effect and adjust accordingly. It’s helped me tremendously being able to take smaller doses more frequently throughout the day. If the mix is too strong you can cut it with some water or more alcohol to dilute it, or add vegetable glycerin like someone else mentioned.

  19. Jeff

    5 stars
    This is the cold method I use and it works so well. But, I use Everclear and it burns my mouth so much, I end up swallowing it right away instead of letting it sit under my tongue and absorb for 20 seconds. Is there anything you can do about the burning sensation? Thanks!

    1. bethehippy

      Hey there Jeff. You could use an MCT oil to create a tincture, but you’d most likely have to use heat to extract it, not like this cold method that works for alcohol based tinctures. We have never tinkered with cold and MCT, but we recon it won’t extract well. We are happy to give it a try soon. Give MCT oil and a heated method a try.
      Stay groovy!

      1. Jason

        We reduce the alcohol tinctures to oil and then mix that into MCT oil for a tincture with a dab of whatever flavored oil you wish (peppermint works well). Still no heat required

  20. StickyickyAK

    4 stars
    Awesome recipe! Iv made many tinctures over the years and wanted to offer a few tips.

    If you dont like the strong alcohol taste, mix your finished tincture with vegetable glycerin. I usually make it about 50/50 ratio. You will make it less potent but makes it easier to hold under your tongue. Honey also works.

    Iv left a Mason jar full of buds and everclear sitting in a dark place for over a year ( I forgot I made it lol). I dont think it loses any potency sitting for a long period of time. IMO it makes the tincture taste better, almost like eating a bud.

    1. bethehippy

      Right on, Stickyicky! Really appreciate all the info.
      Stay groovy out there!

  21. Amy B

    I’m going to evaporate naturally, maybe with a fan over it to help move the fumes along… Will this affect potency? How much matter is left once the alcohol is all gone? Should I keep some with alcohol and some with it fully concentrated? I’m new to this so trying to learn thanks for your patience and time

  22. Amy

    Can I do the same with CMT oil rather then alcohol?

  23. Mark aka Doc Chock

    5 stars
    I have made this recipe many times. I usually do a fairly quick evaporation using a water bath method with a large electric skillet set at 200. You can reduce it into a goo in a few hrs. Great for food recipes, dabs, or mixing with fresh herbs.

    1. Teresa

      Mark, can you elaborate more Please and TY

    2. Colton W.

      Can you not just use way more cannabis then the recipe stated above to make a stronger tincture? Instead of trying to evaporate the alcohol later? For example using like 1 oz of cannabis to 1 cup of grain alcohol?

  24. Lydia Bell

    Thanks for the recipe. This indeed is much less smelly and safer.
    Question in regards to storing my product is it ok to keep in the frig…or basically is storing in a kitchen cabinet better? Thank you.

    1. bethehippy

      Yeah, Lydia. We love this recipe too! As far as storing, we prefer the fridge since it seems like it just tastes a little better to us. Both are just fine.

      Stay groovy!

  25. G

    The alcohol tincture came out amazing! How can i make gummies with it?

    1. bethehippy

      Glad it worked out! We should post a recipe for gummies, been wanting to put together a video on it.

      1. Jbeen

        My little feminized plant ended up with seeds. So disappointed. Can I still do the tincture process? More than 98% of seeds were immature (just soft pods) but had nice sugar all over them.

  26. Jose

    Ive got a couple freshly decarbed ounces that ama throw the minimum(covering at least all my bud) amount of 190 grain alcohol in it , let it sit a couple of days well see how it goes! Will let try to let 50%-60of the alcohol evaporate.

    1. bethehippy

      Right on, Jose!

  27. Chris

    So I’ve tried this recipe twice, once with 7grams and once with 14grams, following the steps exactly as you instructed. Both times I got nothing, even after letting it sit 14 days. 👎 I even infused it in the same jar I used to decarb so I could conserve any vapor stuck to the glass. Not sure what I could be doing wrong but I’m wasting very heady bud. I am so bummed and mystified.

    1. bethehippy

      First and foremost, that is a huge bummer and we are sorry to hear that. We hate wasting good bud (and it happens on our end because we experiment so much with these recipes). I would suggest to anyone taking a first stab to do this in small batches to test out, but we have used this one many times. So, let’s troubleshoot here and see if any other visitors are running into similar problems. What kind of alcohol? How are you decarbing? Where is the cannabis coming from (does it have the cannabinoid percentage tested on it?)?
      I can put together a video going through this too, perhaps that would help to see if there’s something missing on my end in the directions.
      Stay groovy and let’s figure this one out.

  28. Jordan

    5 stars
    Used AVB from dry herbs with a freezer infusion of everclear over 4 hours. Evaporation took longer by a week. Check website for photo of finished product. Any recommendations for recipes with this concentra?

  29. RP

    how do I know how potent each drop will be?

    1. bethehippy

      We have a calculator (visit here) you can use to get an estimate. With out knowing the exact percentage your flowers strength or if you extracted 100% of the cannabinoids, you’ll never be certain the exact dosage without proper tooling. This calculator will get you close.

  30. Rita Markhart

    After allowing to sit for 3 weeks in everclear, how can I evaporate. After evaporating do you add anything else before putting in bottles. And does adding anything effect shelf life. Can you also add some type of flavoring without compromising strength. Love your website🥰🤗😋

  31. A. Levins

    I made it tonight! It’s currently sitting in the freezer! Can’t wait to try it out.

    1. bethehippy

      Right on! Let us know!

  32. cMichael

    5 stars
    Made it, happy with it, used Everclear 190, so it burns like heck. I let an ounce or so of the alcohol evaporate before putting in a dropper bottle. My thanks.

    1. Karen

      How long did you allow to evaporate?

  33. Ash

    I used vodka for my tincture and let it set for 24 hours warm. Does a lower grade alcohol mean that you take more doses/drops than a higher grade? (Vodka to Everclear). I’m in CA, so no Everclear.

    1. Elle Bee

      It will make a less potent product

    2. Scraggy

      You can get high proof vodka like the one I use.

      Polish vodka Spiritus (80 %) works great but is expensive.

    3. Alicia

      I buy Everclear in Ca all the time…my Walmart carries it

  34. Susan

    My tincture has been steeping for 6 months, should I use it or throw it out?

    1. bethehippy

      Hey there Susan. Gotta be honest, not sure after 6 months. Is it in alcohol? Best guess is it will be just fine as long as it’s been stored in a cool, dry and dark space. We traditionally let it sit for about 7 days to get maximum extraction, but never tested anything longer. Maybe some of our other friends visiting BeTheHippy can chime in with their experiences? Any help out there.
      Light up, breath in, and stay groovy!

      1. Winona

        If my tincture has been in a clear glass canning jar for a year or so is it still usable? Maybe in bath salts or bath bombs? I used vodka as a alcohol base.

  35. Sandie

    This recipe says to freeze for 3hrs instead of 1 for best results, but you have another article on your site that says 7 days! Quite the time difference! Does one get a more potent result with 7 days?

    1. Ari

      I did this recipe and I’m thinking the flower I used
      was too much bc I was 🍃🍃 for over 6 hours

      1. bethehippy

        Eww, sorry (or perhaps you are welcome?). That has happened a time or two to us as we experiment on these. Be sure to check out the calculator to help with dosage and as we always say, “go low and slow” when trying out some new recipes. A good dose of CBD, a shower and/or a nap will help in the future.

        Stay groovy!

  36. David

    Should I use Everclear for the best results.?

    1. bethehippy

      Yup, that’s the most common grain alcohol we’ve seen.

    2. Elle Bee

      I use something called Culinary Solvent which you can order online and have shipped to your door. It’s 200 proof food grade alcohol.

      1. bethehippy

        Nifty, never heard of this! Will give it the ole college try. Thanks for the info.

      2. James

        5 stars
        I have used there products for Tinctures and I liked it. I can’t afford the shipping 🤤

  37. Tammy

    How do I eliminate the alcohol?

    1. Carrie

      I dont think you do? Maybe I am wrong?

    2. Elle Bee

      You can leave it out to evaporate u til you reach the desired consistency

    3. David Pitstick

      I use a slow cooker. I spread tin foil over top and press over top of quart side mason jars .I then cut tin foil to fit over jar.
      Fill slow cooker so jars don’t float.
      Start on high then low. maintain temp of 140 degrees. Seen email for Picture. I have put 1oz of Cannabis in 2oz eye dropper

  38. Sandra

    How do you get rid of the alcohol once you’re done making the tincture?

    1. Mike

      Set up a rice cooker and a fan in a well-ventilated room.
      Add your solvent into the rice cooker. Do not fill it more than ¾ full. Turn on the rice cooker and set it to ‘white rice’ setting.
      The alcohol in your tincture will evaporate. Continue adding the tincture until it is all in the rice cooker. When an inch of solvent oil is left, using your heat pads or oven mitts, pick up the rice cooker and swirl the oil in the cooker gently.

      Use the fan to help carry the fumes away, and help prevent solvent formation on the outer part or under the cooker. Since the fumes contain alcohol, they are very flammable. Therefore, you should stay away from anything that might cause a spark. You may want to wear a respiratory mask to avoid inhaling the fumes. Ensure the oil is heated below 290 F to prevent vaporization of the cannabinoids.
      Before you remove your oil from the rice cooker, make sure that all the solvent has evaporated. Use your heat pads to remove the pot with the oil from the cooker and pour it in the stainless steel cup or container.
      Place your stainless steel container on a candle warmer. Let it heat up for the CO2 to evaporate. When there are no bubbles on the surface of the oil, it is ready. This takes anywhere from 3-24 hours since the candle warmer is a slow heating device. It is important to note that the longer the oil is heated using gentle heat, the more effective it will be.
      Finally, after the oil has cooled, you can use a plastic syringe to suck it up. Storing your medical-grade marijuana oil in a syringe makes it easy to dispense. Alternatively, the oil can be stored in a stainless steel jar, or put in empty pill capsules. You can find syringes and empty pill capsules at most stores.

    2. Max

      Just put it in a shallow bowl and let it sit overnight or for however long it takes to reach your desired level.

  39. jan

    Haven’t tried this way but wouldn’t the trichomas just solidify in the freezer and not dissolve properly? What about alcohol solubility at low temps?

  40. Linda

    Any chance this recipe will work with vegetable glycerin instead of alcohol?

    1. bethehippy

      Hey there Linda,

      Vegetable glycerin (VG) would work for infusing a “tincture” but we don’t recommend it. Go with propylene glycol (PG). Our friends over at Ardent have run some tests and you’ll see PG had a 90% infusion vs 10% for VG
      Light up, breath in, and stay groovy!

  41. Jayyrod

    Do you absolutely have to burn off the alcahol to get a high effect or can you just use the tincture as is when done. Im using the magic butter btw

    1. bethehippy

      You don’t have to. This recipe uses no heat. We put it in the freezer.

      Let us know how the magic butter works for a tincture. Haven’t tried that ourselves.

      Light up, breath in, and stay groovy!

      1. Spuds

        I have a MBM and tinctures green dragon style are very green tasting . This method I am about to try and see if the chlorophyll taste is lighter . Might add some spices to get a flavor add … who knows , just doin it til I get what I want . ✌🏻

        1. bethehippy

          Hey there spuds,

          If you make it back (we hope you do) and read this comment, may I suggest trying to water cure you buds to try to lower the chlorophyll taste? Use a jar, some bud and clean water. Submerge the buds for 7-10 days, being sure to fully replace the water every day. Since cannabinoids are not water solluable, but chlorophyll and other toxins are, this technique should help remove the “bad” stuff for ya.
          Light up, breath out and stay groovy!

          1. Ptorsha

            Would this work with butter too? Like would I do the soak before decarbing the flower?

          2. NikkiSmiles

            Ohh wow! Thank you for the advice. I’m definitely gonna try this method!

          3. Tim

            If you soak the bud for 7 days or so, do you then dry it out first, prior to decarbing?

          4. Ant

            Or you can simply place your green Dragon in sunlight for a few hours as that removes the chlorophyll taste to

  42. april


    1. bethehippy

      Well thank you too. We hope you come back, love that energy!

      Light up, breath out and stay groovy!

  43. D. M. Levinson

    Any advice on adding a spice to also infuse a flavor to the potion. Clove for example?

    1. bethehippy

      Hey there D.M.

      Yup, all you need to do is add in your spices – or aromatics – during the infusion process. Haven’t tried it much with tinctures, but we’ve been successful with oils and butters.

      Check out our friends at Ardent who created a cannabis infused chili oil

      Light up, breath out and stay groovy!

    2. NikkiSmiles

      I use about 4 grams lemon balm leaf to extract at the same time, tastes like Limoncello.

  44. Josh P.

    Is there a benefit to letting the infusion carry on for longer than 3 hours? Would that result in a higher potency?

    1. bethehippy

      Yup, pretty much. Plus it will give you a clear conscious knowing that you extracted all the goody-goodies from the flower — maximize those dollars!

      Light up, breath out and stay groovy!

      1. Eric Soprano

        5 stars
        Where was this information back in 75, I never heard of peeps making tincture back then.

  45. Jeff Punske

    How long should the tincture be stored in the dark jar before being considered ready for consumption? Is it ready immediately, after a day, a week, a month etc.?

    1. bethehippy

      Yup, ready right away! Enjoy!

      Light up, breath out and stay groovy!

  46. Feathergwyn

    5 stars
    I have one jar that I froze both everclear and buds before mixing. (Clear golden)
    It’s been freezing a couple days now.
    I also have a just that I mixed at room temp a week before (greeen!)
    But after I reduce them, how do you. infuse the oil? Just mix? ,( I don’t want alcohol to remain) its going to be thick right? I want to use it under the toung.
    (Or cooking)

  47. Terri

    Can you use the strained cannabis in cooking? Recipe?

    1. bethehippy

      Yup, you can add a tincture to whatever you are cooking. We prefer adding it to cold dishes – it is alcohol after all. The alcohol can overpower some dishes, if that bothers you. We prefer it in mixed drinks!

      Light up, breath out and stay groovy!

    2. Ed-wod

      Original question was about the strained cannabis, which I interpret to mean after extracting the liquid, can you use the herbs that have had 80-90% of the goodies taken out of it. I think the answer is yes, if you like the herbal flavor in your food with minimal psychoactive effect, go for it!

    3. MEgrow

      Eating the decarbed then processed material sounds gross but if you wanted to salvage what’s left you could cook it in an oil like coconut, olive, or butter using the flower-oil-water method, then use that in edibles or even a topical base. That’s prob best way to get every bit but wouldn’t be that potent unless you bulked it up with fresh material. You could also do a second wash with alcohol but keep in mind cost of your alcohol, so I guess it depends on your quality level of starting product, size of your batch, and the costs of other materials vs what you get and your time if it’s worth it.

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