We are happy to review one of our favorite companies and products, CBDfx. Lets get a look under the hood at it’s products, website and overall experience. But first, let’s check our quick reference summary. Welcome to our look at CBDfx company and product review.
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Price vs Value
To kick off the CBDfx company and product review we always want to take a look at our five red flag checklist. If this fails, it’s easy for us to move on.
Our five red flag checklist. learn more
Expected reviews and prices: Yes
Yes – The prices are right around where they should be for quality product. Nothing crazy like 1500mg at $20 dollars. If you see “too good to be true” it’s because it is. CBDfx hits the price.
Special note – They answer, what appears to be, almost every comment on their website! It’s a nice way to build their clientele and shows how much they care. Makes it pretty easy to respond when they have an average of 4.5 stars, lot of happy customers.
Cannabis plant sourced safely: Yes
Yes – CBDfx sources their plants from the US. This is what we want. Sourced somewhere with strict safety regulations .
Organic and free of pesticides: Yes
Yes – Their CBD comes from organically grown hemp that is extracted using CO2 extracting methods and contains NO toxic pesticide residues or other harmful chemicals.
Product extracted safely: Yes
Yes – They use CO2 extraction methods. This is the preferred method.
3rd party tested with COA: Mostly Yes
Yes – They have all their products tested by a lab in Canada. All results can be found on their site. They link to their COA (Certificate of Analysis) that shows the varying cannabinoids as well as THC content for every product listed.
Mostly – We prefer to see a deeper COA that includes pesticides as well as heavy metals within the product. Cannabis is a great plant because of it’s ability to absorb the chemicals in the soil around it (aka phytoremediation), but that can be dangerous to us when not sourced from areas is strict regulation.
Prices, Volume, Strength
Now that we’ve passed the most important test – we do believe if the above are questionable, move along – let’s take a gander at the the value. The best way to find value is not just price and volume, we need to look at price to amount of CBD (mg). The lower the better and we’ve found the average to be around $0.10/mg – $0.15/mg.
At the 500mg level, the average price is about $75.00 or $0.15mg. As we can see, we are on the high side of the average, but the product is well worth it.
CBDfx Product Variety
This, in our humble opinion, is where CBDfx really shines! They almost need to update their navigation to account for the amount of products they list. One of their competitive advantages – and part of their vision and mission statement.
“…highest quality products without sacrificing fun, experimentation, and variety…”
“… are always organic, refreshingly innovative, and lovingly crafted …”View CBDfx About
Favorite CBDfx Products
CBDfx Drinks & Beverages
- CBDfx Berry Chill Shot tastes great and is a fantastic way to chill out
- $6.99, 20mg ($0.35/mg)
- Check them out!
CBDfx All In One Vape Pen
- Disposable, fully charged and 100% organic
- $14.99, 30mg ($0.5/mg)
- Check them out!
Overall, we love the product variety that CBDfx has to offer. It’s a great place to kick start your adventure into the CBD space. When in doubt, start with the bare necessities. Tinctures, edibles and vapes.
Let’s move on the their website and shopping experience.
Website Experience for CBDfx
We must say they had an easy to use site that let us discover products, specials and additional info on the product. It’s best they not hide their 3rd party testing, we were happy to see links all over to direct us to it. They are growing their “about us” information and continue to add products and run specials.
Customer Confidence
Contact Information
CBDfx has their location (in the US), a phone number, an email and a contact form are all prominently displayed on their website. Their turn-a-round time to respond to our inquiry was with 48 hours when sent via the contact us form.
Important Pages
They have all the necessary pages including an about us page, privacy policy as well as return and shipping policies. Would have loved a little more information about the company, where and why they started and what their future entails. No info about the people, the employees makes it hard to back the brand.
Shipping: Free shipping to all 50 US states. This includes 5-10 day shipping. They also have optional 3-5 or 1-3 day shipping at an extra charge – for us it was $5 & $8 respectively.
Return: You may return unopened products in original packaging within 30 days from the date which the order was placed, for a refund of the purchase price. Damaged goods will have a 25% restocking fee. And you can exchange at no cost.
About us: Simple about us page, they don’t have a story nor do they go into details about the company beyond a simple two paragraphs and vision/mission statement. We hope they update this, tell more of a story and build their brand and trust more.
A worldwide CBD marketplace where people from all walks of life can obtain the highest quality products without sacrificing fun, experimentation, and variety.MISSIONS STATEMENT
CBDfx’s mission is to empower both new and experienced CBD users by providing access to products that are always organic, refreshingly innovative, and lovingly crafted to provide the purest supplement experience possible.
Product details: They hit on all the important pieces for each of their products. Multiple images, variations are easy to select and adding to cart is a breeze. They include a COA for each product, customers reviews and detailed information on the product. Ingredients, FAQs and how-to’s to boot!
User Experience
Checkout: Simple intuitive checkout process. They just accept credit card as payment, which is a bit limited with today’s options but nothing negative really. Shipping is free and their was a nice little perk of a free face serum trial on orders over $75! Talk about delighting their customers.
We received an email upon submitting, it included everything you would expect; expected delivery date, how they will ship and what was included. The process was smooth, but with today’s standards (Amazon), the 7 day’s from purchase to receiving the product did feel a bit slow.
Speed & Ease: The platform they are using is an eCommerce platform (woocommerce) built on WordPress. We like this option as it helps keep costs low, allows for growth and creates a responsive website – all of this benefits the customers with better prices on product and easy website navigation. Everything worked well on desktop all the way down to mobile, so you can access their info anytime/anywhere and it will be served up quickly.
Customer Service: We reached out and received an answer within 24 hours after submitting on the contact form as well sending an email to the information they have on the site. The response answered our question, was polite and made us feel they are on top of their game.
Learn about CBDfx
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Thanks for checking out the CBDfx company and product review. Please feel free to post any comments or questions below, or get in touch with us through email and social media. We appreciate you all.
Terrific article
Thanks for the write up! Where do you find the information for containment testing in their products?
Hey Anon,
CBDfx has all their 3rd party COA results within the product description page – it’s a big green button. We noticed they don’t receive results on toxins or heavy metals from their testing service but we trust their product still. They are organic, and they do all their own growing/sourcing of their cannabis plant. So, even tho it’s not specified you can assume with an educated guess that it’s a-ok. We suggest you dig deeper on your own as well. If you hear anything, let us know.
Thanks for the question,